Friday 25 January 2019

The hottest city on earth

is not somewhere that I want to live - but that was the case yesterday.
I had planned ahead so that there was no need to go shopping or to any appointments. That was a wise move.
It didn't stop the need for going outside on a number of occasions. If we are to keep any plants at all they have to be watered in that sort of heat. I did as much as I could first thing in the morning - when the temperature was still only in the mid-to-high 30's.  Later in the morning I heard our postman come in and refill his water bottle at the rainwater tank. The water would have been lukewarm by my reckoning but at least he took advantage of my request that he help himself in this heat. 
We don't keep our air conditioning system going through the note - tempting though it is. There are good reasons for this. One of them of course is the cost of doing so. Although we try to be careful with electricity the bill is going to be horrendous. I am already saving to pay for it.
But, the Senior Cat must be kept cool. Yes, of course I like to be cool too. I do not tolerate heat well. I never have.  That however is not the issue at all. The Senior Cat is very nearly 96. The elderly do not tolerate the heat well. Our air conditioning system ran for twelve hours yesterday.  We were fortunate that our power did not go off. It might easily have done so. 
Our library has been shut since the end of last year. Most summers it has been a haven of air-conditioned comfort for the elderly and those who have nowhere to go on a hot day.  It was being renovated and is due to open again on Tuesday. I know it will be crowded. 
And we can all have a cooked breakfast if the heat keeps up. All we need to do is put a frying pan on the road surface and crack the eggs in to it...yes, seriously. It was that hot  yesterday. 


Momkatz said...

I check the Adelaide temperature every day and nearly fainted when I saw it was 111 degrees Fahrenheit. I don't know how you and Senior Cat can stand it. But you are right, Cat, you must run the air conditioning for the Senior Cat. I hope this is a temporary surge of heat and your climate returns to normal quickly (even though your normal is still awfully hot in the summer).
Thinking cool thoughts for you both. Sister Cat

Holly said...

you have air conditioning - this is good. Run it.

FYI - blog address for me changed....