Tuesday, 29 January 2019

The subject of "ghosts"

has come up again - this time in the media. Workers on a renovation project at the courts have claimed there is some sort of supernatural presence there.
Now these are tough union workers with a reputation for being anything but imaginative or fanciful. Nevertheless more than one of them has apparently experienced something.
Even more curiously it was followed up by an article that has once again left me wondering. The article was written by  a columnist for whom I have a great deal of respect - even if I don't always agree with him. 
He claims to have once lived in a house where there was a "presence" of some sort. He claims a book was thrown off a shelf, not just once but twice  - and that it was done in the presence of other people. He also claims that his young children asked him who the man was that they saw in the passageway.
It would be unnerving to say the least.
After the article appeared in the press I saw the couple involved in the incident I mentioned last year - where the husband, an anything but suggestive man, had felt - indeed seen - someone in their house although he had been out and the place had been very securely locked when he returned. We again discussed his experience that day.
    "I don't want to believe in that sort of thing but how can I explain what happened?" he asked.  
Someone else joined in the conversation and reminded us of the occasion when, in New Guinea, he had been unable to leave a house. There was one of those flimsy bead curtains hanging in the doorway of a village house. When he went to leave the house he "felt" a door there. The door was locked. The owner of the house did not laugh at him, simply told him that it had happened before. They used the other door instead.
That sort of thing appears not to make sense at all. I don't disbelieve these people. I was there the day the first man experienced the "break in". He was clearly agitated. Even now the incident is one which clearly disturbs him. 
I like the way one of my friends has suggested that such events do occur and we simply don't have explanations for them -  yet. 

1 comment:

Holly said...

there are some of us who are very literal. There are others who have imagination.

and if you can't explain it - then write a really good story!