Sunday 21 February 2021

The anti-vaccination mob

were out in the city yesterday. I wasn't in there but they managed to get pretty wide news coverage.

They were demanding "no mandatory vaccinations" and saying "my body, my choice".  Those who claim not to be opposed to other vaccines are saying that these vaccines are not safe because they have been rushed.

The Chief Medical Officer must be tearing her hair out. She has said that she will, when her turn comes, get vaccinated. She wants her family to be vaccinated. She has pointed out that there has been an enormous amount of not just money but international cooperation spent on the effort to develop vaccines. Instead of competing against one another researchers have worked cooperatively. Safety has not been compromised. It has almost certainly been enhanced in more ways than one.

I am going to put my paw out for vaccination when the time comes. The rest of my family say the same thing. I said this to the GP recently and her response was, "I wish everyone thought the same way."

The Senior Cat is now 98. He has health  issues. He would not survive Covid. In the residence he now lives in very few people would. They are mostly very frail and very elderly people. Although they may not have years of life in front of them I don't want any of them to die alone in hospital. 

If this means that people who work in hospitals, aged care, medical clinics and other places are told "no jab, no work" then too bad. Only those who cannot have the jab for medical reasons should be exempt. If an airline says you can't fly unless you have had the jab or are medically exempt then too bad. No, it isn't discrimination. There is no cost involved apart from a small amount of your time. I am much more worried about people like K... who lives in a group house. Her physical disabilities are so great she can do nothing for herself. She cannot eat and is fed through a "PEG" - a feeding tube inserted into her stomach through the abdominal wall. I know people who say "she would be better off dead" but K... is alive. Although she cannot speak she has a wicked sense of humour. She is popular with the staff because of it. I don't want her to die alone, fighting for each and every breath. It might happen of course but I don't want it to be because of something which could be avoided.

If you don't want the vaccine that's your choice but don't inflict your choices on other people. Don't complain if restrictions are placed on your activities. You are not other people. You may not be a doctor but "first do no harm" applies to all of us. 

1 comment:

Beryl Kingston said...

I'm with you all the way on this one, Cat. Strength to your paw. xxx