Friday 9 January 2009


Books? The order from the catalogue arrived this morning. Now, who buys books? Dad buys just as many as I do, perhaps more. I think this is a good thing. It shows that, at nearly 86, his mind is still active.
Among his choices this time is a response to Dawkins' book "The God Delusion" and a book about the brain and reading.
He was very pleased with the new origami book I found and says the photographs are excellent. It should give him something to do inside when the weather heats up on Monday. He is out in the shed with his friend Neville this afternoon. They are both going to be supremely frustrated in February and March. I hope the house will stay cool enough to work at the computer and knit when I need a break.
I want to write a submission about the proposed Freedom of Religion Bill and the proposed Charter or Bill of Rights. That the former could curtail current freedoms is becoming more obvious and the latter certainly will. It is strange how governments can never learn from experience, and certainly not the experiences of other countries.

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