Saturday, 11 July 2009

Cat hairs on the birthday cake?

Jane accused me of getting cat hairs on the birthday cake belonging to an Awfully Big Blog Adventure. I must learn to scrub my paws. I must learn to scrub my paws. I must learn to scrub my paws! It is good that she feels she can tease me because we have never met.
I have never physically met many of the people I now regard as friends. We chat over the e-mail instead. I often wonder what it would be like to meet them.
I also wonder what it would be like to actually meet the characters from books. What would they really be like? Would I recognise them? Would I understand them? I realise that there is so much I do not know about so many of them.
ABBA asked readers to choose a favourite book from childhood. They asked readers to choose a character they would like to be. Is the book the book though, or is it our version of the book? Is the character that character, or is it our version of that character? We are what we read perhaps but we also read what we are.

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