Saturday 16 June 2018

Going to the bank

is to be avoided if at all possible.
I had to go yesterday. There was a mistake in my account. I would have liked that extra $5000. To be honest I could really use that extra $5000 but it wasn't mine.
Last time I went to the bank it was at another branch. I would not have needed to go in again for a while but I found a mistake when I got the receipt from the teller machine.
I explained this to the teller - someone new to me. She looked startled. She checked. She couldn't find the error in her records. I explained again. She turned the screen around so we could both see it. 
   "There," I told her pointing to the right line.
   "Oh, you're right. Someone mucked that up. If you hadn't pointed it out..."
    "They would have caught up eventually," I told her.
She smiled at me and agreed  it was better to deal with it now.
    "Someone is missing $5000," I said.
    "Mmm.... I'll have to pass it on...funny someone didn't notice but some people do have a lot in their accounts."
I wondered what she meant by "a lot". I know I picked up a receipt one day after someone left the teller machine. Putting it in the bin later on I carefully tore it into small pieces because someone had more than $50,000 in that account. That's surely a very large sum of money in anyone's book? 
Unless someone else buys me the winning lottery ticket I won't need to go to the bank again for quite some time. I know to within a couple of dollars how much money I have to spend. 
I would most certainly know if I had an extra $5000 to spend!



Momkatz said...

I would know if I had an extra $5.00. I keep a close track b/c my checking acct debit card has been hacked three times now.
The teller didn't seem too anxious to find the account with the missing $5,000. Guess all in a day's work. Ha.
Big Sister Cat

Jodiebodie said...

Me too! We watch every cent in our household.