Friday 14 May 2021

Why are we having the Olympics?

Anyone who knows me will know I am no sports tragic. I don't even "barrack" for a football team.  My only interest, a very slight interest, is in the game of cricket. That has more to do with the psychology of the game than the game itself. I couldn't umpire a game if I tried.

It is therefore possible that I should not be making any comment about whether the Olympics should be held. I know, people love their sport. They love to watch sport. Watching elite athletes do, to them, amazing things gives them a real buzz.  I am not interested. I don't even get a buzz seeing Downunder's athletes with their medals around their necks. 

But I am genuinely worried for them now. Why on earth are they insisting on having the Olympics this year? Let's just forget the greatest drug ridden cheat's show on earth. Don't put these people in the position where they are in yet more danger from Covid19. Don't put other people in danger when these "elite athletes" return to their home countries.

Being an elite athlete won't stop you from getting Covid19. It won't stop you from dying from it either. There have been deaths among very fit, healthy young people. Covid19 is no respecter of persons.  Then there are all the people who will travel with them as their support teams, all the people they will mix with as they compete - even if they don't socialise outside events. I just don't see all this as being in anyway "safe" whatever restrictions they might try and impose.

Japan's Prime Minister has been criticised for continuing to say that the Olympics will go ahead. That criticism is coming from his own country and that is significant. The Japanese don't do things that way. 

I have never had to write a communication board which uses the Japanese language. This is something I am heartily thankful for because the language is full of traps for those who have not grown up speaking it. I know a very little about it because I have taught Japanese students English. I once co-supervised a doctorate being written by a Japanese student. It taught me a lot and one of the things it taught me was a little about the Japanese way of doing things and saying things. If the Prime Minister is being openly criticised then people are concerned, very concerned.

I am sorry for the athletes who want their chance to win a medal but the health and safety issues should take priority.  Am I wrong to think this way?


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