Tuesday 13 August 2024

"Efforts to wake him have

failed," the report says. 

So yet another person is in hospital after an altercation on the "night life" strip in the CBD. He is in a critical condition in hospital because of an argument. 

Another man is in custody. He is facing serious charges which may yet get upgraded to even more serious charges.

Both men would almost certainly have started out their evening with the intention to enjoy themselves. It is perhaps that which I find particularly difficult to understand. No doubt alcohol and/or drugs taken by them or those around them was a contributing factor in all this. 

I wonder about the "night life" issue. My brother, Middle Cat and I never went to the so-called "night clubs" in "the strip". Even if we had been able to afford it we would not have wanted to go. Of course the "drinking age" was twenty-one back then and it is eighteen now. There are many people who believe that lowering the age was a mistake. I certainly believe it was a mistake to allow universities to have "bars" on their premises. It is not just students but staff who have suffered from too ready access to alcohol. Writing this I realise I never did find out where the venues were at my last two universities! 

As I have said elsewhere in this blog I am allergic to alcohol (and vinegar and basil and shellfish). Swallowing something that feels as if I have swallowed a stinging nettle is not funny. It won't kill me but it is very, very uncomfortable. Perhaps I am not the best person to be talking about all this but the weekend's events have left me disturbed. It really does concern me that lashing out in anger fuelled by alcohol or drugs or the taunts of those around you should lead to such consequences. 

Was it also bullying which contributed to the young man stabbing and killing three young girls at a dance class? That story made me feel physically ill. Is he mentally ill? Yes, he almost certainly must be. It is not the act of a sane person. If he is mentally ill, what brought it on? 

All of this has also made me wonder about something else - about the issue of responsibility. Most of us would believe we are responsible for those not old enough to care for themselves. Most of us surely also believe we are responsible for those who cannot physically or mentally care for themselves, that the aged or ill need help. Why is it then that we do not feel more, if not responsible, then responsive in other situations?


1 comment:

Allison said...

"...Was it also bullying which contributed to the young man stabbing and killing three young girls at a dance class? That story made me feel physically ill. Is he mentally ill? Yes, he almost certainly must be. It is not the act of a sane person...."

And way beyond that. That young man obviously has problems but what about those hundreds(?) of protesters/rioters. They surely are not all mentally ill or victims of childhood bullying.