Saturday 3 August 2024

The crisis they were supposed

to fix has apparently doubled in size.

Our state government was elected on a major promise. It was a promise to "fix" ambulance ramping at our major hospitals. There was a major campaign by the ambulance workers themselves. Vote in this mob to reduce the delays we were told.

Many people believed it. The mob was voted in. Since that time the problem has increased. It has increased despite $7.9bn being "thrown at the problem". 

Perhaps that is where the problem starts. There is no point in money simply being thrown at anything. There needs to be an investigation. It may mean actually facing some hard facts and the idea that some woke ideas will simply not work.

They want to get people to use the "clinics" for minor issues. A friend of mine did use one the other idea. It was the sensible solution when she sliced her finger open rather badly and it needed a but more than a band aid strip. Her family knows how to handle such things. They know about real medical emergencies.

Too many people have no idea at all. They do not know about basic first aid, let alone how to deal with a major emergency.  

I don't know whether I can deal with a major emergency. I have dealt with epileptic seizures and babies being born and the Senior Cat falling and cracking his skull open. No, it wasn't easy and I would have welcomed good strong cups of tea afterwards - and did not get them - but I coped. The little medical knowledge I have proved useful but I would need much more to deal with a major road accident. 

Still I think we should teach first aid procedures in schools. Knowledge of that can save lives. It would be time better spent than time spent on some of the woke ideas they tell us are making children recognise "gender diversity" and the like.

It might also help the ramping issue if there was a return to dedicated mental health services. Too much time is taken up in emergency departments dealing with people who are in mental crisis. An ED is no place for a person who is feeling suicidal anyway. They undoubtedly need a quiet place...and immediate attention. 

And why on earth did the government decide to add yet another tax to clinics? The cost of that has simply been passed on to patients who then decide that going there is too expensive so they will go to the ED of their local hospital instead. Paying $80 for a five minute consultation ($41.50 for a pensioner/health care card holder) is more than most people will pay if the ED is cheaper. 

The "doctors are rich" and "they can afford it" notion is still strong. There are medical professionals I know who work much longer hours and take on much greater responsibilities than the train driver they treat - and earn less while facing the constant threat of being sued for getting something wrong.

Perhaps it is time to rethink the whole business of supplying medical services and asking all of us to take more responsibility for ourselves. It might not fix the ramping issue but it might reduce it. 

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