Thursday 22 August 2024

"This is Senator .....'s secretary here...

, Would I be talking with....?"

I took that one seriously, very seriously. I know that is how things are done and should be done. What he went on to say next convinced me he was genuine. 

"Do you have a few minutes?"

Oh yes, I have a few minutes for this issue. It took more than a few minutes but I knew it would. I had my ammunition ready. If you send a letter to a Senator in Downunder's national parliament then you had better be prepared if you want them to take you seriously.

I have been writing letters to politicians for many years. It has often been part of my job to do just that. Over the years I have also managed to learn a thing or two. 

One of those things is to write an actual letter. Do not email unless later asked to do just that...and then say you are doing so because you have been asked to do just that. It might sound strange but a paper letter actually has more punch. It is much more likely to be read, to be taken seriously...but check your spelling, check your grammar. Do not write it the way I write this blog!

Then, keep your letter to a single page. If you cannot get the message across in just one page then you have not given it enough thought. Nobody in a Senator's office is going to read more than a page. Make sure it is properly laid out and typed too. Done that Cat? Then post it. They might get back to you.

Be prepared for them to get back to you. When the phone call came I was at the desk top. I pulled up the file and I was ready with answers to some rather searching questions.

"I may need to get back to you. Is this the best number?" I was asked.  Yes, it will work but I won't be at my desk on... 

Twenty minutes later we stopped talking. I think we have a problem solved. It is one of those small things with a simple solution which can make a big difference to someone with a disability. I hope an issue has been solved for one family and, in doing so, it will be solved for other families with a similar issue. 

It might help that the solution will not cost anything. Does anyone else find it a little strange how the government always seems to like those sort of solutions?  

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