Monday 26 August 2024

I have just lost my temper

and that is such a rare thing for me that I am feeling shaken by it.

I am normally a very even tempered sort of cat. I can and do feel strongly about things but I will discuss issues calmly enough not to provoke an argument. I really do try to listen to other people and I will even allow them to believe they have won an argument if the situation gets too heated. 

Middle Cat says I am not nearly "assertive" enough. Yes, I will avoid confrontation. It frightens me. Admitting that here with the computer screen between me and the world is easy enough. In real life it is much more difficult. I have always assumed that it is the "arm's length" which makes it so easy for some people to behave in such appalling ways to other people.

This morning however was too much. There was an email to Brother Cat from the executor company. In it they once again did not provide the information he was, very reasonably, requesting. In it there was a claim something had been done. It has not been done. (My own financial adviser was able to access the necessary information and it showed that the necessary action had not been taken.) We are still not being given the information we need to pay out the Black Cat and thus remove her from any further financial activities in relation to the estate. 

The problems we have had can be shown to be directly related to a lack of due diligence on the part of the executors but they are denying any liability for the problems caused by their former employee. Had they sacked her rather than "suggested she resign" we might have been able to do more but of course this has not happened. 

I am here trying to not just pack my own belongings with nowhere to go but trying to sort out many things which belonged to my parents. Middle Cat is "helping" and sometimes unintentionally interfering. I keep getting "advice" from all and sundry.  Brother Cat and his partner want to come over and "help" but last time they did this was no help at all - to the contrary. This morning it was all just a bit too much. When the executor company tried to tell us they had done  what they had not done and I am at an even further financial disadvantage because of it I lost my temper. 

I am now waiting for an answer to an email which very firmly pointed out my housing situation and the financial disadvantage they have caused. Middle Cat will say I have not been "assertive" enough of course but I rather suspect that they will be scrambling to try and respond to actual facts. Facts can be useful when you lose your temper.  

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