Sunday 11 August 2024

Going to an exhibition

is a rare event for me. There are very few here which appeal to me - or at least appeal enough to want to pay to enter them.

Yesterday was an exception...and no more than a gold coin. I needed a break from the mess in the house. I needed a break from the depressing business of looking at places to live.

Middle Cat and I looked at a property yesterday and it would have been ideal. I could get around the steep step into the room on one side because there is also another door out onto the narrow back "garden" area. Yes, it is a bit "uphill" but it is close to a train station and there is a proper pedestrian cycle at the lights because of the big school not far away. The rooms were bigger than many we have looked at - room enough for some bookshelves. Oh yes, it would have been ideal - except for the price.

I could just about have managed the advertised price but, realistically, it is going to go for far more than that. The location alone will see to that. We came away feeling down as more people went in to look. 

No, I needed that break away from it all. I prowled off to an exhibition of embroidery. There was a reason I wanted to go. The group had posted a picture of one of the exhibits on line. It was a tree with "fruit" made from Dorset buttons. I think I have mentioned Dorset buttons elsewhere in this blog. There are basic Dorset buttons which were made in their many thousands before button making machinery and plastic ended the trade. There are also Dorset buttons which are an art form. These were an art form. It was worth the effort of getting there for that alone. 

Yes, there were some other lovely things as well. It was good to actually see some of the things my friend S... had been working on displayed there. I also recognised the work of several other people. I wondered at the amount of work which must have gone into some pieces. I also wondered what would happen to some pieces, what you do with them later. It is something which always puzzles me because I make things for people to use, to wear. I don't make display pieces even though I recognise that some of the work their was well worthy of display.

It was also good to catch up with P... and have a chat. She was sitting there crocheting. Other women were sitting there working on projects too, concentrating enough that the big gallery-room was rather quiet. There were no men in evidence but there was at least one male name on the display tickets and that can only be a good thing.

It was a good afternoon. I arrived home early enough to - pack some more books. All I want now is a permanent place to put them back on shelves.


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