Tuesday 6 August 2024

Probable not possible?

Apparently our "terror" alert has been raised from "possible" to "probable". We are now being told there is a fifty percent chance of a terror attack being planned or occurring in the coming twelve months. Social media is being blamed for new ways to stir up trouble and cause "radicalisation" and more. 

The Prime Minister is saying "be alert but not alarmed" as he chooses to blame a "diverse range of extreme ideologies" being expressed on social media. We are told that young people, especially young men, are being "radicalised" much more quickly. No, we are told, the October 7 attack in Israel is not to blame. It has apparently just exacerbated an already present problem.

In our state newspaper this morning there is another article of interest. It is about a new government report apparently with the title "Towards Fairness: A multicultural Australia for all". Apparently Downunder is not a "fair" country.  There have apparently been "violent attempts to eradicate anything deemed counter to Western-Anglo society". The report apparently accuses us of attempting to be "assimilationist" whatever that might be. Our schools are accused of not being "culturally responsive". The report is apparently even saying we should not expect everyone to be able to speak English.

Like the writer of the article I would have thought being able to speak the major language of any country was essential if you are going to participate fully in the life of it.  I once dealt with a medical emergency in a country where I did not speak the language. It was a very frightening experience dealing with a boy having a major epileptic seizure in the early hours of a very cold morning on a train hurtling into Pisa. I knew what to do because I had dealt with the same situation in school so many times but trying to explain to other people when I did not speak more than a few words of Italian made it so much harder.

"Multiculturalism" is supposed to be a good thing and it has certainly given us some good things - a much more diverse and interesting diet is one - but it is not "cohesive". It now encourages "division" in many ways. This has become increasingly obvious in recent years. We have an entire television channel devoted to the idea of "multiculturalism" and another one just for "indigenous" affairs. It is possible to get funding for "community events" if you are sufficiently "different" - but not if you are white-Anglo-Celtic. The first white settlers to this country are apparently dreadful people who wanted to wipe out any other culture - and have continued to do so.

If all this is true then it seems hardly surprising that there is a probable terrorist threat. After all we are apparently guilty of the heinous crime of not allowing people to live as they please even while expecting enjoy the benefits of living here.  

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