Friday 30 August 2024

More house hunting anyone?

Oh yes, I am trying. It is difficult, very difficult.

I really am trying not to be fussy but there are essentials. Is it really unreasonable to be looking for a place at ground level?

"Oh but they have lifts!" someone told me recently. They had seen what appeared to be a very affordable place in the CBD. Why didn't I grab that when I had the opportunity? was on the 6th floor. There are no windows in the bedroom and nowhere to safely park my trusty tricycle. Yes, it does have a "lap pool" and a "gym" and a communal laundry. The annual fees are enormous. I suppose I might manage without a window in the bedroom - but it will push up the cost of air conditioning because I need air in the bedroom!  I do need a safe park for the tricycle and I do not need a pool or a gym. 

Yesterday I put in a query for a place not too far from here. It looked as if it might be something I could actually afford. The agent called me an hour or so later. Would I like to have a look - a look today perhaps? He really sounded very keen. He could be there in ten minutes. I told him it would take me longer than that to pedal over there. We arranged a slightly later time. 

I called Middle Cat. She was not answering the phone. I pedalled off. Halfway there she returned my call. "I'll meet you there," she told me. We met and prowled through the place. It is a boxed in sort of place. There is a supposedly "private" front "garden" - in reality a tiny gravel covered area - surrounded by a high fence. Add that to tiny, dark rooms and I had the sense I had been imprisoned. Of course I would take it if I could get it but I have just been speaking to someone who tells me there is a strong possibility there are major plumbing issues which have been papered over. My BIL will need to investigate.

I put in a query for another place yesterday. It is opposite one of the local high schools - but far enough for the potential noise not to be an issue. The agent has emailed to tell me there is a tenant in it until March. I could find a way around that - short term house sit perhaps? I am now waiting for her to call me but I will not hold my breath. At least from the photographs (always treated with caution) the place looks more open. There is a window in the bedroom! 

I will no doubt continue to prowl, to hunt, to hope. If you hear a miaou of desperation in all this you are correct.  

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