Monday 13 April 2020

There is less traffic on the roads,

much less traffic on the roads.
Yesterday afternoon should have seen roads packed with people coming back from the "Easter long weekend away".  Most people were sensible and caring enough to stay home.
They still went out - out for a walk or a bicycle road.  I had more people I have never seen before give me a smile and a wave. It really is nice. I will be sorry when that part is over and people revert to using their cars again. 
The smiles and waves and occasional "hello" or something similar are like candles lighting the darkness of the present situation. Queen Elizabeth was so right to remind us of how the lighting of candles forms the part of so many faiths.
And yes, things will get better. I had a virtual hug from our friend P... yesterday. P... is a nun and, for her, Easter is the greatest event on the religious calendar. Not to be able to go to all the services associated with Easter would have been particularly difficult for her and B.... with whom she shares a house. I know arrangements would have been made for them by Father K....but it would still be difficult. 
I.... called me yesterday. It was lovely to hear from her and get virtual hugs for me and for the Senior Cat.  I called J... who lives not-quite-alone because she has two cats. We exchanged a virtual hug too.
This morning there was an email from my friend L... She is taking time out from social media right now but I wanted her to know I have been thinking of her. She sent hugs for me and for the Senior Cat and a virtual vase of flowers from her garden. It was wonderful to have a reminder that, while we are going into winter, it is spring in Upover and life will get better again.
I am not a "morning coffee" sort of cat but even I am looking forward to the time when I could do that if I wanted to do it.
And there are small-but-big things that really make me smile. As I prowled out  for exercise yesterday I saw Father A... He was standing in the garden of the rectory and looking up into a tree, the right sort of gum tree. He waved me in and pointed. There was a sleepy koala not too far up. We could both see the nick out of one ear telling us that it was the very young injured koala Father A... had provided water and leaves for several weeks ago.
    "I thought that little chap was gone for good but he turned up yesterday...probably because it is so much quieter at present."
That was like a virtual hug too.

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